Monday, January 12, 2009

a quick greeting...

Hello friends, family and newcomers. My name is John Van Horn. I live in the great northwest for now with an expected move back to San Diego soon. I've created this blog to keep people up to date on the comings and goings of the John Van Horn family. Jacqui is the newest addition. She's my beautiful wife. Born in Boston but with a wicked british accent. She's the love of my life. I can't imagine things without her around. She's my best friend. Another addition will be this March. We are expecting our first baby. A little girl. I'm as proud as I've ever been. I can't wait. It's going to change my life forever....for the better.

Another reason I've created this blog is to share my love of Ping Pong. It's been a passion of mine for quite some time now and has now turned into a business. I make ping pong paddles. Good ones. No, not good......fantastic!!! It may be a shameless plug but I'm proud of my paddles. I've played with high dollar paddles, cheapo paddles and everything in between and I've yet to swing one that works like mine. Plus, the paddles I make are the most unique around. No more Black, red, blue paddles. Mine are fully customized with great graphics and images. I can even do paddles from your pictures/images. So, you get an amazing paddle as far as playability and also one that doesn't look like you just bought it at Walmart. From flames to chicks and even flaming chicks.....can put it all on the paddle.

I've spent the last 2 years researching and building prototypes to find the best possible materials for my ping pong paddles. The result is amazing. I have yet to find a single player that doesn't like my paddles.

See some options here

I'm not a web guy so If you have suggestions on the site please let me know.

Thanks and see you next blog. :)

John Van Horn

1 comment:

  1. You know, you say you're moving to SD but I will believe it when I see it. Love the paddles John. I know they will take off


Thanks for your comment. I'm new at this blogging thing and can use all the help I can get. John